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  • Homework

    At St Anne’s we feel that having homework:

    • builds an effective partnership between home and school;
    • builds on learning which takes place in school;
    • consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding of knowledge and concepts taught;
    • ensures the needs of individual pupils are met;
    • encourages children to develop independence, self-discipline and individual responsibility;
    • helps parents to have a clear understanding about the expectations the school has about pupils’ progress;
    • prepares and supports the children with transition between the different key stages as they move through the school, and those children at the end of KS2 for secondary transfer.

    KS1 and KS2

    We have four homework non-negotiables:

    1. Reading

    We have an expectation that regular reading happens at home and we believe that it is important for parents/carers to take an active role in reading with and to their children.

    2. Spelling

    Spellings are set and tested each week. We follow national curriculum guidance and link sound families together. We also set spellings linked to topic work to ensure that the children’s learning is always relevant.  

    3. Times Tables

    The children may be set different times tables to learn each week and it will take the form of rote learning, times challenges and/or games.

    4. RE

    We send home a Liturgy Challenge each week. It is made up of some key questions linked to a specific Sunday gospel reading and an activity.

    Early Years Foundation Stage

    In Nursery and Reception we also expect parents to read regularly with their children. Parents/carers will also be encouraged to work with their child on their individual targets. These will be shared at Parents’ Evenings over the year. Home activity sheets to further target individual children’s areas for development will be sent home as appropriate.

    Additional Homework

    Children in KS1 and KS2 will be encouraged to log on to ‘Lexia’ and ‘Sumdog’ from home. Children in EYFS will be encouraged to log on to ‘Teach a Monster to Read’. These are online tools to further support their reading and maths learning.

    Where appropriate, questions and challenges will be posted on class blog pages.
    At times it may also be appropriate for the class teacher to set some pre-learning. This is dependent on the class topic and may take various forms, such as research, exploring key vocabulary or map work. Information about class topic work will be mentioned in the curriculum letters that are given out at the start of each half term.

    For more information, please see our Homework Policy on the Policies page.