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  • British Values

    All schools have a duty to actively promote the fundamental British values of:

    the rule of law,
    individual liberty,
    mutual respect
    and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

    In Catholic primary schools, British Values can align closely with key Gospel values and the principles of Catholic Social teaching.

    They seek to promote cohesion, spiritual growth and an understanding of civic duty.

    Embedding these values allows us to ensure our pupils can grow socially and morally, and be prepare to be active, compassionate and responsible citizens in the diverse society in which we live.

    There are many ways in which we embed British Values within the life of the school:

    • School rules and routines
    • Our Catholic Life
    • Balanced and varied curriculum
    • Assemblies
    • Pupil leadership groups: Anti-bullying ambassador, Spiritual leaders, Mini Vinnies
    • Discussing current affairs
    • RE lessons
    • International Evening
    • School Council
    • Our School Values: Love, Unity, Courage, Creativity