At St Anne’s Catholic Primary School we aim to support, develop and nature the faith of the children. Our School Mission Statement is firmly rooted in Gospel Values and this permeates throughout all aspects of school life. The ethos of our school is underpinned by our child-chosen school motto, ‘Let the light of Christ shine in our school’. Together, we strive to ensure that Christ is at the centre of all that we do.
The Church Liturgical Year enables us to gather together frequently and celebrate key occasions that remind us of our Catholic faith and help to deepen our understanding and spirituality.
Prayer tables: green cloth for Ordinary Time.
Harvest Thanksgiving: we have a KS2 Harvest Mass in Church with the Parish community. KS1 have a service in the hall which parents are invited to. Produce is collected for a local foodbank.
Month of the Rosary: October is the month of the Rosary. Children are encouraged to pray the Rosary and are supported to do this by our Spiritual Leaders.
Month of Remembrance: during November we remember all those souls who have gone to Heaven. We have a school Remembrance Book where children can write someone they want to pray for doing the month. On 11th November, we particularly remember those who have dies in war.
ADVENT: the season to prepare for Christmas. Prayer tables changed to purple cloth.
Introduction and blessing of the Advent Wreath. Wreaths in each class. Adoration/Benediction.
Spiritual Leaders attend the Advent Service at St George’s Cathedral.
Christmas: EY present a Nativity Play, parents are invited and welcome. KS2 participate in a Carol Service, led by Year 5. Parents, Governors and the Parish community are welcomed.
Prayer tables: gold cloth for the Christmas season, then green after the Baptism of our Lord.
Epiphany: if in term time, Mass is Parish Church.
LENT: the season to prepare for Easter, solemn and penitential. Prayer tables changed to purple cloth.
Ash Wednesday – children attend Mass and receive ashes. This may sometimes be in school for the younger children.
We encourage greater action linked to our responsibility to help others, by collecting for those in need.
Penitential Services: services for EY & KS1 and KS2 to think about what we have done wrong and to say sorry to God. For KS2 children, this is also preparation for Confession.
Reconciliation: KS2 children attend Confession.
Stations of the Cross:
EASTER: the resurrection of our Lord is celebrated during the school holidays, however is covered in RE topics at school. Assembly highlights the importance of this feast when the children return to school.
Prayer tables: gold cloth for the Easter season, then green after Pentecost.
First Holy Communion: children in year 3 (and maybe older years too) make their First Holy Communion on a Saturday in May. The school community celebrates with the children on Corpus Christi or the feast of Ss Peter and Paul.
May the month of Mary: May is a month devoted to Our Lady. We mark this through praying The Rosary.
Ascension: Assembly focus.
Pentecost: Assembly focus.
Corpus Christi: Assembly focus/Mass. Adoration/Benediction.
Feast of Ss Peter and Paul: Mass in Parish Church.
End of year Mass (St Anne): Mass in Parish Church.
Leavers’ Mass: A farewell celebration for our Year 6 Leavers, they are presented with a Bible. Mass is followed by a picnic. The children also prepare an assembly for their parents.
Many classes will also mark occasions such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Chinese New Year, House Saint Feast days, Diwali, Rosh Hashanah amongst others, in various ways as part of their learning.