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  • Saint Anne

    Anne was chosen by God to be the mother of Our Lady, and therefore she is the grandmother of Jesus.  Anne was born in Bethlehem.  She was married to Joachim, and they lived in Nazareth.  Childless for a long time, Anne remained faithful and prayed to God.  Their faith and devotion was pleasing to God and in response to Anne’s patience and faithfulness, God answered her prayers, and blessed her with a daughter.  A daughter like no other, a daughter who would be the mother of Our Lord Jesus.  Anne was blessed by God in a very special way, to be able to have a baby at her advanced age.  She promised that she would dedicate her child to God.

    Each year at St Anne’s we dedicate our end of year Mass to Saint Anne.

    Facts about Saint Anne

    • Feast Day: 26th July (St Anne and St Joachim)
    • Anne received a vision of an angel who announced she would conceive and bear a child.
    • Anne is celebrated as the patron saint of Grandparents, mothers and married couples.
    • She symbolised the ultimate act of love by dedicating her child, Mary, to God.
    • Anne taught her Blessed daughter to read Holy Scripture.
    • It is believed that Anne lived until Jesus was 8 years old, she herself was 56.
    • Saint Anne is often represented by the colours red (love) and green (re-birth).
    • Born: before c 49 BC. Died: after c 4 AD.

    Prayer to St. Anne

    O God, You bestowed
    on St. Anne such
    grace that she was
    found worthy to
    become the mother of
    Mary, who brought
    forth Your only
    begotten Son.
    Grant that we may be
    helped by her