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The Friends of St Anne’s (FoSA) are a group of committed parents who:

  • organise fun events for the school and community (E.g. Family Film Night, The Christmas Fair and the Year 6 leaver’s party, etc.)
  • raise money for school projects
  • generally, support the school (e.g. provide refreshments during parent/carer evenings)

All are welcome to get involved and our main goal is to help build strong links between the pupils, families and local community at St Anne’s.

Taking an active role in FoSA is critical to your child’s success, so we have compiled a list of 10 reasons why helping us will greatly improve your child’s experience of school:

  1. You are vital to the success of the school, and the money raised will benefit all members of St Anne’s community.
  2. It’s TOTALLY flexible! Join us for meetings and/or events when you can.
  3. You will feel more connected to what is happening in the school.
  4. You will be part of a great network whose goal is to improve the school.
  5. Make a difference to your child’s school experience.
  6. We are not just for mums! Dads, grandparents, aunts, etc. can all join.
  7. Be a role model by demonstrating good teamwork and community spirit.
  8. What FoSA does affects every parent and pupil.
  9. It is fun!
  10. Finally, you will be helping us continue to create lasting memories for our children.

If you are interested in joining us, please either contact Ms Miller or leave your contact details with a member of staff in the office.


The Friends of St Anne’s (FoSA) run regular fundraising events throughout the year. Not only does this provide lots of fun, but the money we raise enhances the education and experience of all the children in our school. Here is a schedule of the events we run each year:

Autumn Term events: Family film nights, providing refreshments on parents/carers evening, Cake sale, Winter ball, Autumn wreath competition, Animal mask day and the Christmas fair.

Spring Term events: Family film nights, providing refreshments on parents/carers evening, Valentine’s Disco and the Easter bonnet competition.

Summer Term: Family film nights, Cake sale, World Day celebration, Summer Fair, House winner’s party and the Year 6 Leaver’s Party.

Look at our notice board and the school newsletter for up-to-date information about our events. Also, let us know if there is a particular event you would like to see happening at St Anne’s!