As a Catholic Primary School Collective Worship plays a fundamental part in daily school life, allowing us to give glory, praise, honour and thanks to God. Whether we join together as a school or with our class, our prayer and worship brings us closer to God, helps us to live like Jesus and to witness the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The nature of Collective Worship (Prayer and Liturgy)
We believe that Collective Worship in our school aims to provide opportunities for pupils and staff:
Principles of Collective Worship (Prayer and Liturgy)
All Acts of Worship in school will endeavour to:
Pupil Leadership of Collective Worship (Prayer and Liturgy)
We help the children to form and develop a closer personal relationship with God through prayer and to think about what it means to be a follower of Christ in their daily lives. We encourage the children to take a leadership role in the prayer life of the school in a variety of ways. The children also have opportunities to plan acts of worship for their class and for assembly.