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Prayer at St Anne's

Prayer is central to daily life at St Anne’s School and we ensure that the children experience prayer in a wide variety of ways.  Prayer is our opportunity to talk to God, he is concerned and interested about what goes on in our lives.  Through our prayer we can praise God, ask him to help us, ask him to help others and to say thank you.

School prayer

Dear Lord

Jesus said: “Love God and love your neighbour as yourself.”

Help us to act like your children;

To respect and follow the teachings of Jesus;

To do our best at all times, in our work and in our play;

To set a good example to those younger than us;

To treat everyone with love and respect;

To be thankful for all those who care for us;

Lord, help us make St. Anne’s a happy place.

The school week begins with the whole school community saying our School Prayer on the playground, children, staff and parents together, every Monday morning.

Prayer is offered at the beginning and end of each day, in classes, and at lunchtime.


There is a focal point in each classroom that provides a suitable reflection point for prayer.

Prayers are also said during acts of collective worship and during RE lessons.

A range of prayers are taught, including traditional prayers, intercessions, Litanies, and spontaneous prayer is encouraged too.

The children are supported to understand that prayer is our way of talking to God, to developing our own personal relationship with Him, to ask Him for help and to keep us on the right path and to keep us safe.