We have been protecting data in since the legislation came into force in 1998, and the school already takes great care of the information given to us.
On the 25th May 2018 the legislation changed and now focuses on the way we gather, handle, store and dispose of data on our pupils, parents, staff and other parties. We are already compliant in most areas and this process, and this is an opportunity to further strengthen our already robust and secure systems for both our electronic and paper records.
We have been working towards compliance for the last few months and some changes have been made to a few of our systems and others are in the process of changing. This legislation affects all of us. We ask parents to support the changes being made to school systems to help easily facilitate the secure transfer and processing of information by:
Privacy Notices
Schools need to publish privacy notices which explain in detail what information we will need from you, why it is needed, how it will be stored, who we share it with (if this is required) and how long it will be kept for. It also explains your rights regarding consent. On the website you will find a privacy notice for parents and carers and one for pupils.
As a school we are required to collect certain information in order to carry out our core functions of providing education and ensuring the well-being and welfare of the children. We do this on the legal basis that we are required to, and therefore require no further permission to do this. There are areas however where we do require your permission to use the information you have given us for activities other than our core functions. These include extra-curricular activities, Friends of St Anne’s, and other events. For these additional activities we will seek your specific consent to use your information, this must be freely given, informed and unambiguous.
How long we keep information for
The school has adopted the IRMS information Management toolkit for schools, as our information retention policy; the retention policy is available on the website.
In the coming weeks and months we will be looking at amending the forms and policies we use in school to ensure they are compliant.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Marie Dunbar, the School Business Manager.