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Leadership Team Responsibilities
Mr Peter Hilton Headteacher
Mrs Siobhan Phelan Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Kat Smith
Assistant Head, KS1 & English lead
Mr Miguel Carrascal
(Mon-Wed & Fri)
Assistant Head & Maths, Behaviour lead
Ms Debra Da Silva  SENCo & Mentoring lead
Ms Lorraine Johnson School Business Manager
Admin Support Staff Responsibilities
Ms Tracey Green Pastoral Lead 
Mrs Sue Smith (AM) Admin Officer
Mrs Louise Hanscombe Admin Officer
Tony Enyoisi Premises Officer
Teaching Staff  Responsibilities
Ms Nicoleta Alexandru Nursery/Reception Teacher & EYFS Lead
Ms Anita Fitzgerald (Mon-Wed) & Ms Elizabeth
Ayoola (Thu-Fri)
Year 1FA
Ms Hannah Cohen (Tues-Fri) & Ms Sharron McGuicken (Mon) Year 2CM Art and Design Lead
Mrs Kat Smith & Mrs Siobhan Phelan Year 3SP
Ms Hannah Williams Year 4W History/Geography lead
Ms Wendy Denys Year 5D & R.E & PHSE lead
Mr Alex Jenkins Year 5J PE & Oracy Lead
Mr Andrew Sambrooks Year 6S – Science, Geography & Website social media
Mr Miguel Carrascal & Mrs Siobhan Phelan Year 6CP
Ms Sharron McGuicken Music, Spanish PPA Teacher
Coach Cameron PE EYs, KS1 & KS2
Support Staff Class
Ms Barbara Chung Kin Chong EYFS EYE

Ms Lucia Carchipulla-Falcon
Ms Danasha Moncrieffe
Ms Dalila Hassani

Ms Fiona Kenna
Ms Joanne Neagle
Mrs Marcia Grant-Baugh
Ms Mairead Furlong Lower KS2 TA
Ms Christine Gadson
Ms Jenny O’Connor
Ms Claudia Vale
Upper KS2 TA
Ms Rachel Potts
Ms Wioletta Zawislak Focus Group TA
Ms Lorine Meho SEN TA
Ms Sarah Gregory (P/T)   Speech and Language Therapist
Ms Catriona Ross (P/T) Play Therapist

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